2007.9 - 2011.7 武汉大学 哲学学士、经济学双学士
2011.9 - 2014.12 武汉大学 哲学硕士
2015.9 - 2020.7 清华大学 哲学博士
2016.9 - 2018.8 阿姆斯特丹大学 联合培养博士
v 论文发表
1) 付小轩. 决策情境中的偏好提升[J]. 逻辑学研究,2020 (2): 61-76.
2) 刘奋荣, 付小轩. 关于偏好关系的质化与量化的研究——中间道路的探索[J]. 浙江大学学报(人文社会科学版), 2020,50(5): 63-70.
3) Xiaoxuan Fu and Zhiguang Zhao. Dynamic Modal Logic with Counting: when Reduction Axioms Work and Fail, in Logic and Argumentation: 5th International Conference on Logic and Argumentation, CLAR 2023, LNCS 14156, pp.11-24 (2023).
4) Xiaoxuan Fu and Zhiguang Zhao. A Logic for Preference Lifting under Uncertainty and Its Decidability, in Logic and Argumentation: 5th International Conference on Logic and Argumentation, CLAR 2023, LNCS 14156, pp. 213-223 (2023).
5) Xiaoxuan Fu and Zhiguang Zhao. Decidability for Modal Logic with Counting ML(#) in Different Frame Classes, Studies in Logic, 17(3):86-101 (2024).
6) Xiaoxuan Fu and Zhiguang Zhao. Model Theoretic Aspects of Modal Logic with Counting, in Logics for New-Generation AI: Fourth International Workshop, LNGAI 2024, pp.104-115 (2024).
7) Xiaoxuan Fu and Zhiguang Zhao. Numerical Expressive Power of Logical Languages with Cardinality Comparison, Journal of Logic and Computation, doi.org/10.1093/logcom/exae028, online first (2024).
8) Xiaoxuan Fu and Zhiguang Zhao. Axiomatization of Modal Logic with Counting, Logic Journal of the IGPL, doi.org/10.1093/jigpal/jzae079, online first (2024).
9) Xiaoxuan Fu and Zhiguang Zhao. Game Semantics for Modal Logic with Counting, with Zhiguang Zhao, in the 4th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence Logic and Applications (AILA 2024), to appear.
v 译著
• 约翰·范丙申《逻辑与博弈》,崔建英、付小轩,清华大学出版社,2024。
v 会议报告与讲座
1.Game Semantics for Modal Logic with Counting, AILA 2024, 兰州, 中国,10/08/2024.
2.Model Theoretic Aspects of Modal Logic with Counting, LNGAI 2024, 杭州, 中国,15/06/2024.
3.On Logic of Preference, Sanya International Workshop on Logic, Cognition, and Philosophy of Mathematics, 三亚, 中国, 30/04/2024.
4.Modal Logic with Counting, Logic Seminar, CLLC, 北京大学, 中国, 23/04/2024.
5.Numerical Expressive Power of Counting Language,4th Tsinghua Interdisciplinary Workshop on Logic, Language and Meaning,北京,中国,31/03/2024.
6.A Logic for Preference Lifting under Uncertainty and its Decidability, CLAR 2023, 杭州, 中国, 11/09/2023.
7.当逻辑邂逅计数,数理逻辑论坛,武汉大学, 中国,08/06/2023.
8.Modal Logic with Counting: Dynamic and Axiomatic Aspects, Tsing Ch’a Sessions, 清华大学,中国, 20/04/2023.
9.The Paradox of the Dao in the Laozi, Tsing Ch’a Sessions, 清华大学,中国, 20/11/2022.
10.概率化偏好研究,逻辑学讨论班,北京师范大学,中国, 29/09/2022.
11.Reason-based Probabilistic Preference Lifting, Workshop on Logics for the Formation and Dynamics of Social Norm (LFDSN 2019), 杭州,中国, 04/05/2019.
12.Completeness and Decidability of the Tense Logic of Integers Periods, Logic Colloquium 2018, 乌迪内, 意大利, 26/07/2018.